CancerEd: Necessary Pictures Film and Media

  • CancerEd

Place Category: CD/DVDs

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  • by Joe Nardelli and Colleen Goddard. The CancerEd people have put together a workshop presentation kit for schools or communities. The workshop is designed to engage, empower, and enlighten students and teachers to the social, emotional, physical, and psychological aspects of childhood cancer. It consists of a video and workbook which independently celebrate childhood cancer awareness. Together they are designed to connect students & teachers, schools, families, and communities. Video Component: My Hair’s Falling Out . . . Am I still Pretty? (Winner 1996 Parent’s Choice Silver Honor) This video is a fictional, one person performance which tells the story of a young girl who is diagnosed with leukemia, undergoes hospitalization and chemotherapy, and returns to school, her cancer in remission. Writer, Actress Colleen Goddard plays all the characters in this twenty two minute program. from young cancer patient, to doctor, to family members and other kids at school and in the hospital. Although the subject matter is difficult- a friend she makes in the hospital dies- the program is upbeat, including animation, music and dance segments. Simple, clear information about what cancer is and how it is treated is explained, as well as insight into the feelings of patients and those who love them, which make this program especially appropriate for school children

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