Living With Childhood Cancer, A Practical Guide to Help Families Cope

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  • Leigh Woznick and Carol Goodheart “I highly recommend this book for parents of children with cancer. It provides precisely what the title promises: ‘A practical guide to help families cope.’ Unfortunately, this book was not available until my son was off-treatment for cancer; today, turning the pages of the book , I find the reading comforting, cozy . . . kind of like sitting down and talking with a good friend. The authors know what I felt during those first stressful years of treatment, and if I had had the book then, I would have felt both comforted and armed with methods to deal with the psychological turmoil that comes with hearing those words “your child has cancer”. Woznick and Goodheart include useful chapters on relieving pain and side effects, encouraging child development during treatment, and building self-esteem in your child, as well as a chapter on dying and grieving. The book also has an excellent resource section, forty-four pages of annotated listings of helpful organizations, support groups, web sites, books, and videos.” (PF) The table of contents and other reviews of this book are available at the publishers web site, the American Psychological Association.

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