Fighting Chance, Journeys Through Childhood Cancer

Place Category: Books

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  • A photo-journal by Harry Connolly, Tom Clancy, and Curt Civin. This book follows three children through treatment for childhood cancer. All the reviews we have read by parents of children with cancer report that the book captured the feelings and emotions realistically as it follows the ups and downs of treatment. Published in February, 1998. “The book really captures life at the clinic and provides a glimpse of reality as we know it. There are pictures in there that only cancer families would understand (and medical professionals)–betadyne prep for port access in one picture and in another picture, a mother is holding her son’s sneakers while waiting for his weight to be measured. . . . . Some of you may even know some of the children whose lives were photographed (at Johns Hopkins).” [comments by K. Andry]

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