Chemo Girl

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  • Christina Richmond The story Chemo Girl is about a super heroine named Chemo Girl who is hired by Dr. Molly Schwenn to miniaturize and battle the Queen Rhabdo. Chemo Girl along with her pet sidekick, Brouvi succeed in their fight. This book is great for children living with all types of childhood cancer, not just rhabdomyosarcoma. My daughter, Apryl, first learned of ChemoGirl’s power at the age of 7 when she herself was diagnosed with leukemia. During procedures we talk about Chemo Girl and her ability to erradicate cancer cells. The book written by Christina Richmond, a feisty 12 year old who succumbed to rhabdomyosarcoma in 1996 will be a benefit to children everywhere undergoing probably the biggest battle of their lives. (reviewed by an online parent)

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